Here's an alternate pose of DeForest posing with Cheers the Schnoodle, and Myrtle the turtle. Just adorable!
I found this photo in the August 24th 1968 edition of TV guide, accompanying an article entitled: "Where is the Welcome Mat?" (author not named)
The article begins with how the trade papers still, after two seasons of Star Trek, will list only Nimoy and Shatner as the stars. Kelley has had to fight for everything; a parking spot, an unshared dressing room, a line of dialogue after standing without a word for 12 pages.
The article goes on to describe Kelley as posessing a yankeeized soft Georgia accent, and "sounding remarkably like a testy David Brinkley. He is immensely popular with his fellow actors and crew and remembers the birthdays of the technicians children." A script girl's mother took ill and De was the first to send flowers. Kelley laughs at the thought of being a "teenage sex symbol" and his hobby is the tending of 59 rose bushes at his comfortable Sherman Oaks home. Continuing a Southern tradition, he cooks black-eyed peas with red-eyed gravy on New Year's Day for luck in the ensuing year. He cherishes the day when his name ran for the first time in a TV Guide crossword puzzle. His wife, Carolyn, clipped the page and framed it to hang on the wall. "It's not an Oscar or Emmy," says De Kelley, "but to an actor, it's something."