Monday, May 25, 2009
Star Polishing
DeForest Kelley e-book is #1!!!
Kristine M. Smith, author of DeForest Kelley: A Harvest of Memories (2001), claims top spot for her newest Kelley book, ENDURING LEGACY, at
Seattle WA, (PRWEB) May 21, 2009 A newly-released e-book, The Enduring Legacy of DeForest Kelley: Actor, Healer, Friend, written by Kelley's former personal assistant Kristine M. Smith, skyrocketed immediately to first place in the non-fiction category at upon its May 1st release, where it has resolutely remained for three weeks.
In the new 61 page electronic book, Smith compiled the memories and reminisces of nearly two-dozen fans and friends whose lives were blessed and changed forever by the career and kindness of the late actor who portrayed Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy in the original STAR TREK television series and motion pictures.
"I'm delighted the new book is receiving top honors at Payloadz," Smith says. "it was a real labor of love for so many of its contributors and for me. And the unanimous, positive reviews of the book have also been gratifying."
The e-book reveals that many of Kelley's devoted fans have gone on to become doctors, nurses, medical technicians, social workers, and other helping professionals, while still other fans continue to impact the world as writers, actors and teachers.
The success of the new book has also bolstered sales of Smith's earlier memoir about the actor who became her mentor. DeFOREST KELLEY: A HARVEST OF MEMORIES suffered from an untimely release date, coming as it did just weeks after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001, relegating the memoir to easy dismissal by and silence from mainstream media. Now that both books are receiving attention during the recent release of the newest STAR TREK movie, prospects for both books have increased significantly. Smith has been contacted to do radio and podcast interviews from science fiction and golden oldies radio producers.
Smith says, "This June 11th will be the tenth anniversary of De's passing. I can't imagine a greater tribute, at this time-to the man and to the actor-than the timely attention being paid to these two books, along with taking in the wonderful resurrection of the McCoy character as portrayed by Karl Urban. He was able to capture so much of what De's spirit and sensibilities brought to the role. I hope my two books will show that DeForest Kelley, the man, was every bit as worthy of respect and emulation as was his alter ego."
Author Kristine M. Smith's blog is located at
Her copy-writing service business URL is
She can be reached at KRISTINEMSMITH@MSN.COM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
North Shore Animal League
De and Carolyn's favorite charity was the North Shore Animal League. Please make it your's too. North Shore helps many thousands of abused and homeless animals. It will astound you the amount of abuse some of these animals have suffered.
The North Shore Animal League is the largest no-kill shelter in the world. Not just the country or the East Coast, but the world.
See Anabelle's story. Donate what ever you can and let's help these animals heal. Thank you.
Blog event with Kristine M. Smith
Event: DeForest Kelley: My Life and Times with a Remarkable Gentleman Actor"
This is an online blog event and blogs are forever, so stop by anytime
From May 12 at 9:45am till Friday, May 15 at 12:45pm
Where: online -- this is a blog event and blogs are forever, so stop by when you can. To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:\G7
Stop by, ask a question!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
BOOK REVIEW: The Enduring Legacy of DeForest Kelley: Actor, Healer, Friend
When you read this book, you will really get to know this gentleman as a person. Kris Smith has a knack for showing us the real DeForest Kelley at home during her various interactions with him, his later life in the hospital culminating with his death, without making us feel like we are intruding. I was moved at how honest it was. You see how much of a down to earth, homebody couple the Kelleys really were, you see the depth of DeForest's love for Carolyn and how much everyone simply loved the Kelleys. It is a must read for caregivers; for anyone who has experienced a loss of a family member-- for Kris was very much like a daughter to them.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A De--Lightful moment today
I went to the photo developing place to print out some pictures I'd taken recently of De's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star. When I picked up the photos the lady working there gushed about De and how much she just loved him, and mentioned a couple westerns: Apache Uprising and when he was in Bonanza. She didn't mention Star Trek, but the westerns.
Later on, I went to the post office today to send off a DVD to a friend which included the photo of the star tucked in there. The postal worker spotted it, as I hadn't sealed the envelope yet. And they said: "I absolutely love that man." and I asked "who?" not sure exactly who they were referring to. And they pointed to the star. "That one. DeForest Kelley."
A De-light-ful moment.
STAR TREK-the film review

I was terribly nervous as I sat down to watch this film. J.J. Abrams really had to fulfill a myriad of MY expectations along with everyone else’s. As, I am a devoted fan of the original series-- mainly because of DeForest Kelley as Bones-- I wondered what was the point of coming out with a new film besides making Paramount a boatload of money. I figured that nobody could fill any of the original actor's shoes. I wasn't expecting much.I was pleasantly surprised. I was astounded actually.
Yes. Yes. There have been a multitude of spoilers online and in the printed press complaining about this plot detail or that, but I really urge you to take no notice of those complaints and just enjoy this film on it‘s own merits. In fact don't even read this review till you've seen it and and decide whether or not you agree with me. BTW: to the newspapers (especially the Los Angeles Times): thanks for NOT warning people about your spoilers. Not everyone has seen the film at this point, many reviews are excitedly blabbing all and ruining it for people. I went into the film absolutely blind to all the details and it was all the better that way.
Watching this film made me feel as if I was watching a TV episode, I mean that in a good way. I really do. It took me all of 5 minutes to get used to the new kids playing the parts. The outstanding kids of the bunch are:
John Cho as Mr. Sulu. Mr. Sulu really gets some nice fight moves and has a lot to do in this. I was glad to see him really shine.
Karl Urban as Bones McCoy is probably the most eerie of the bunch. Not only does he resemble the original Bones, but he SOUNDS almost exactly like DeForest Kelley. He's got the bitterness of a newly divorced young man with the fear of technology that we know and love, the caring of the physician we're used to, plus an affinity for the booze. (according to J.J. Abrams, Bones has a drinking problem). Dr. McCoy, as is required by law (somewhere it's written) of course, gets the funniest lines in the thing. And yes, what would a ST movie be without all the Dr. McCoy catch phrases?
Zachary Quinto is a also good immature Mr. Spock--Slightly haughty and very inexperienced. While Quinto needs some time to settle into the role as Spock, in this first film I was happy to see him injecting his own into this part. Spock has some funny lines in this, interacts well or rather clashes with Kirk and also has a funny scene with Dr. McCoy.
Of course the best performance of the film comes from Leonard Nimoy. He is back in all his glory as the older Spock and seeing him on the screen made me...shall I say, emotional. He's got that Spock twinkle in his eyes. Mr. Nimoy's performance is simply magical. And he looks absolutely adorable, too.
The Wrath of Kahn is referenced quite a lot in this film in various places and we get to witness something Kirk was infamous for.
Nero the villain is probably the best of the Star Trek heavies in the franchise save for Khan in Star Trek II. Eric Bana brings some new things to the art of villainy and I really enjoyed it.
Although I rave about the film, it did bother me in some areas. Firstly the relationship between Uhura and Spock irritated me. Also, two characters kissing in the transporter room. Come on. Officers, even young officers, on a starship would simply not do that.
Some canon details were simply ignored. As this film is considered an AU it is a convenient excuse to explain all that away. I did NOT like the bridge set. it seems a little too 'white' to me, like it was designed by Apple. In fact in an early scene, young Kirk uses something that seems basically a glorified Iphone.
Scotty is enjoyable although there are some attempted comedic moments involved in his scenes that were cringeworthy. Too Star-Warsy for my liking, but what do you expect from Abrams the StarWars nerd.
I also am in a disagreement with alot of people as I wasn't that enamored with Chris Pine's performance as Kirk. He simply does not have the magnetism as William Shatner did. I feel that any young actor could have portrayed this and done just as adequate as a job as Pine. But he is passable.
And…where the hell was Nurse Chapel??? Or Yeoman Rand? Have we forgotten about them already?
I think my favorite part of the film was the ending. It was done very well. There is a terribly tragedy that occurs in this film and I was overjoyed to see that not everything was all tidily wrapped up. In a way this also references STII:TWOK.
Plus our favorite TV theme song is featured. Of course the door was left open for the sequel, and of course I am looking forward to the next one.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
NEW DeForest Kelley Book by Kristine M. Smith available online
From Press Release: New DeForest Kelley Book Debuts During Tenth Anniversary of Star Trek Actor’s Passing
Kristine M Smith, author of DeForest Kelley: A Harvest of Memories (2001), celebrates the late actor’s enduring legacy in a new e-book
In the first edition of a newly-released 61-page e-book, The Enduring Legacy of DeForest Kelley: Actor, Healer, Friend, DeForest Kelley’s former personal assistant Kristine M Smith has compiled the memories and reminiscences of nearly two dozen fans and friends whose lives were blessed and changed forever by the career or kindness of the late actor who portrayed Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy in the original Star Trek television series and motion pictures.
On the back cover of the new e-book, available via, Smith writes, “I was going to write a book about all the things I had to leave out of my first book about De (in order for readers to be able to lift the blasted thing!), but then got to thinking that enough of my own story has already been told. I don’t want anyone getting the impression that I was the only fan that DeForest and Carolyn Kelley took under their wings, because that simply is not true. The Kelleys were emotionally invested in their fans. They loved them, appreciated them, respected them – and it always showed.”
The e-book reveals that many of Kelley’s fans went on to become doctors, nurses, medical technicians, social workers, and other helping professionals. One even went so far as to become a space nurse for NASA. Still others continue to impact the world as writers, actors and teachers.
All have realized the impact that the iconic “Dr. McCoy” has had on their lives. Smith says, “The legacy of the reel McCoy has blessed the world with some very real McCoys who continue to boldly go where few have gone before, making a difference every step of the way.”
Smith adds, “One goal of the book is to encourage other Kelley and Star Trek fans to ‘go thou and do likewise.’ De was always most proud of fans who took their inspiration from the series and elected to use it to help others. Another goal is to present the e-book as a keepsake to new DeForest Kelley fans who are too young to remember when he was among us. I don’t want anybody to miss out on his unique and continuing influence.”
Author Kristine M Smith’s blog is located at Her copywriting service business URL is http://kristinemsmith.elance/com. She can be reached at KRISTINEMSMITH@MSN.COM.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
DeForest Kelley's Home
She states: Although the Kelley home was sold and torn down following Carolyn's passing in 2004, the realtors who sold it have kindly left the listing in existence. So if you ever wondered what kind of home the Kelleys had, you'll be surprised to discover how small it was and how un-Hollywood-like.,GGLR:2005-52,GGLR:en%26q%3D15463%2BGreenleaf%2BStreet%252c%2BSherman%2BOaks%252c%2BCalifornia
Thank you to Kris Smith for the link and thank you to realtor Jerry Keller for keeping the listing up.
Star Trek Premiere Photos April 30, 2009. Grauman's Chinese Theatre,Hollywood, CA

Leonard Nimoy

John Cho

Close up of Leonard and Susan Nimoy after leaving Limo.

Adam Nimoy far right underneath Star Trek sign.

Karl Urban. My digital camera did something wierd and took it in B/W.

Karl Urban

Eric Bana

Chris Pine being interviewed by Tori Spelling. Who's that looking very jealous in the background?

Chris Pine signing autographs for some lucky fans. Right after he got out of his limo. Karl Urban did the same thing.

Chris Pine

Reporter on the black carpet with Spock ears.

Before the premiere started.