Leonard Nimoy

John Cho
The Nimoy family. Far right: Julie, (Leonard's daughter) Far left, Susan Bay Nimoy.
Leonard Nimoy and wife Susan.

Close up of Leonard and Susan Nimoy after leaving Limo.

Adam Nimoy far right underneath Star Trek sign.

Close up of Leonard and Susan Nimoy after leaving Limo.

Adam Nimoy far right underneath Star Trek sign.

Susan Bay Nimoy amidst her family, waiting for Leonard to finish with the press.

Karl Urban. My digital camera did something wierd and took it in B/W.

Karl Urban

Eric Bana

Chris Pine being interviewed by Tori Spelling. Who's that looking very jealous in the background?

Chris Pine signing autographs for some lucky fans. Right after he got out of his limo. Karl Urban did the same thing.

Chris Pine

Reporter on the black carpet with Spock ears.

Before the premiere started.
Here via the link you posted on SMH.
Karl Urban in b/w looks almost dangerous, hehe. And that poor reporter's ears aren't Spock ears, they're monstrosities. *giggle*
You're right, Susan Bay Nimoy is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for putting up the pics!
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you for posting these! Yay!
Thank you for those great pics!
Perhaps your camera took Karl Urban in b/w because it knew you'd post the pics in reminiscence of De?
Great Pix! However, in the picture of part of the Nimoy family, Julie and her husband are on the far LEFT -- and Susan and various grandchildren, step and otherwise are around her.
Adam Nimoy is so cute -- just the dark, lanky and handsome guy I go for. :)
Did you take these? Lucky!!! :DDD
Minor correction on the Adam Nimoy photo~
The young man closest to the camera is his son, Jonah :D
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